Sponsorship Service Team Specialist
Хэлтэс | Албан тушаал | Орон тоо | Төлөв | Нээлтийн огноо | Хаалтын огноо |
Хүүхдийн эрхийн төв | Sponsorship Service Team Specialist | 1 | Хаалттай | 2022-01-07 | 2022-01-14 |
Professional experience of more than 2 years
Required qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree or higher of social worker, sociologist, statistician
- Proficiency in Microsoft office programs
- Good verbal and writing skills of in English and Mongolian
- Excellent communication skills to deal with people at different position
Duties and Accountabilitie
Provide professional and methodological support for SSFs
- Checking data in CMS program
- Conduct research and data analysis
- Provide translations of children’s annual reports